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作者:useradmin 来源:未知 发表日期: 2017-04-24 15:38

Shijiazhuang promotional material for the promotion of technological innovation and trade
    In recent years, under the leadership of the CPC municipal committee and municipal government, city of science and technology innovation and trade promotion work closely around "transformation and upgrading, across to catch up with" target tasks, closely integrated with science and technology and economy as the main line, strive to build the enterprise as the main body of the innovation system of university-industry cooperation, accelerating transformation of science and technology achievements into real productive forces, for the city's economic and social development provides strong technology support.
  Strong economic and social basis
  Shijiazhuang is the capital of hebei province, the province's political, economic, science and technology, finance, culture, education and information center. Is one of the important medicine industry base, national innovation pilot cities, the country's first biological industry base, national semiconductor lighting industry base, the important commercial port in north China, the national outstanding ecological tourist city, one of the most investment potential city in China. Biomedicine has been formed, circulation chemical industry, electronic information, equipment manufacturing, textile and garment industries, modern services and so on six big characteristics. That information industry industry has formed in the communications, semiconductor lighting, silicon epitaxial materials, LCD and flat-panel display, satellite navigation, environmental monitoring in the fields of scientific research and development advantages. In Forbes business environment assessment of the 660 Chinese cities, the city ranked 37th, ranked second only to Beijing and tianjin in the north China area.
  Remarkable achievements in science and technology innovation
  国家、省创新(试点)企业和市级创新型企业的培育认定开展有序。截至到2016年全市创新型(试点)企业累计达到130家,完成市属单位科技成果登记1293项。2012年-2016年获得国家科技奖8项,省级科技奖58项,市科技奖项目453项。2012年- 2016年,全市专利申请量34968件,专利授权量22903件。我市万人发明专利拥有量2016年达到了4.1件,知识产权创造力进一步增强。截止2016年全市技术成交总额123.94亿元。高度重视知识产权保护工作,石家庄市是全国首个开展专利侵权责任保险的试点城市,全省首个开展专利权质押融资贷款的城市。
  National, provincial innovation (pilot) enterprise and municipal decided to carry out the order in the cultivation of innovative companies. As of 2016, the city's innovative (pilot) total of 130 enterprises, complete municipal units registered 1293 scientific and technological achievements. In 2012-2016 won eight national awards, awards at the provincial level 58, 453 municipal science projects. In 2012-2016, the city's 34968 patent applications, patent grant 22903 pieces. Zhuhai ten thousand invention patent ownership reached 4.1 in 2016, to further strengthen intellectual property creativity. By 2016 the city's technical clinch a deal amount is 12.394 billion yuan. Attaches great importance to intellectual property rights protection work, shijiazhuang city is the first to carry out the patent infringement liability insurance pilot city, the province's first city to carry out the patent pledge financing loans.
  Carrier and sufficient human resources
  In 2016, the city has 271 engineering technology research center (key laboratory), the city has identified as science and technology business incubators 15, including 6 national incubator, incubator at the provincial level 3, 6 city-level incubator. The gen space construction development rapidly, has deemed the gen space 59, including 23 at the national level, provincial level 27, 57 at municipal level. Area of 68000 square meters have been completed, gathering all kinds of entrepreneurial innovation team or enterprise 650, over 200 mentors. The city more than municipal international technology cooperation base 29, nine national base of 18 provincial base were ranked the top in the province. Zhuhai rich education resources, the reasonable structure of talent. 42 stone in colleges and universities, college graduates each year almost 200000 people, the number of graduates in the top in the provincial capital cities in China.